I think there were 8 of us who showed up @ 10:00 for a LBB (laid back bunch) paddle on the Laguna, posted by Larry S. It was the perfect number, as we filled the little parking turnout. It was nice to meet Flo & Joaquin who I almost feel I know from their posts here, but had never paddled with them. The weather was clear & warm and the water was a nice manure color. We straggled toward town until blocked by brush & flow, then back under the bridge until blocked by Ludwigia within 1/4 mi of the bridge. We were unable to find a way through to the big “lake” and thus on to the north. I was eqippted with saw & lopers, but needed a machete on my bow.
We were off the water by about 12:30, without sharing food, so I’m not sure if this qualifies as a PP paddle if that is defined as an eating club with a paddling disorder.
There is a definite need for more LBB paddles for those who are scared off by the A team in their kevlar sea kayaks.
Tofu Larry