10 paddlers showed up at Nick’s Cove and found Crystal Clear Blue Skies, calm water and NO winds. Eight of us set off towards Tom’s Point, two went over towards Walker Creek. The Tom’s Point contingent stopped briefly on Tom’s Point Beach, to check for any whale spouts, (none) and to shed clothing which was making us way too HOT! The day was warming up and the sun beating down. We continued over towards Walker Creek and paddled inland, up the creek, about 4 miles, due to the exceptional Hi Kings Tide, landing at the LUNCH spot. All 10 of us enjoyed the 70 degree temp, a simple yet fabulous lunch of fresh steamed vegetables, Larry’s tofu, nuts, fruits, sushi, salami, bread, chocolate, cookies, water, and adult beverages!
We decided to get paddling back as the tide was beginning to recede. Phil and Tedly tried out their skills of walking on water as we returned to the Bay. Gotta love those mud flats. LOL Following is a brief listing of our feathered friends: Surf Scooters, Buffelheads, Brandts, Cormorants, both Pelagic and Double-Crested, Western Sandpipers, Marbled Godwits with Willets, Spotted Sandpiper, Snowy Egrets, GULLS,Gulls,gulls. NO Bald Eagle today. Ray “clocked us” at 11 miles. A most perfect day on our beautiful bay!!
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