Lake Sonoma – Jan. 16 & “The Cabins” – Jan. 17, 2011

14 PPers plus one later, showed up at Yorty for a fine day on Lake Sonoma. The water was high and quite clear for this time of year.

Off we headed for Dry Creek on a nice sunny warm day. We passed where the old eagles had been, but it must have blown down in a storm because we couldn’t find it. Those eagles have built a nice new shiny one and we saw an adult baldie sitting nearby.

When we got into the clearer water of Dry Creek we saw an imm. Black-crowned Hight Heron. The water is so high we made it way past where we usually stop. We found a nice sunny spot for lunch, by now it was about 70 degrees. We had crab and chile and salads etc. While we were eating, Frieda paddled up and said she was going to hike to the falls.

We finished up lunch and on the way out we saw two River Otters frolicking in the water. The rest of the paddle back to Yorty was pleasant: warm with a nice tail wind. We paddled 11 miles.

Today, we arrived at Black Point to find thick soupy fog. Finally seven PPers showed up and we loaded our boats and headed upstream. We had a nice flood pushing us and we were making great time. We found the entrance to San Antonio Creek and proceeded towards the cabins. There are Lots of birds on the river now but they were a little hard to identify in the soupy fog. We made it to the cabins in a little less than two hours and proceeded to break lunch out.  Christina and Mike showed up just then. They had paddled out from Lakeville.  We had a fab lunch and chit-chatted vigorously. Before long the tide started dropping really fast so we packed up and headed back down river. We got a big push from the tide and made it back in 1.5 hours.

Though it stayed foggy the temperature was quite pleasant and there was no wind all day long. The facility at Blackpoint is in nice shape and it is a good spot to launch for paddling in that area. We paddled 15.8 miles with a nice push each way from the current.


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